
3 Column Blogger Template: Comptech Blue

Template "3 Column Blogger Template: Comptech Blue" can you download template code in freetemplate.blogspot.com or isnaini.googlepages.com

WinRAR Password Recovery

software ini untuk me recover passwor winrar apabila kita lupa passwordnya
softwarenya bisa di dolot di sini : winrar password recovery

Reseter Printer for Epson

what you experience of the problem by printer with the merk epson, what when lamp of indicator kerta and inking of your printer epson wink or blinking. you can mendownload software reseternya in www.ssclg.com . this moment text in writing version of reseter epson 4.20.

Latest versions changes:

New in 4.20:
- support for CX4200/CX4700/CX4800/DX4200/DX4800
- support for C47/C48
- support for RX430
- support for CX6500/CX6300
- improved support for CX6400/CX6600
- improved support for RX500/RX510
- improved support for RX600/RX610
- improved support for R1800
- improved support for CX3700/CX3800/DX3800/DX3850
- improved support for C67/C68/D68
- improved support for C87/C88/D88
- many new chip models supported
- some other improvements and bug fixes

New in 4.10:
- support for PM-970C
- support for PictureMate
- support for RX700
- support for R2400
- support for PM-A700
- support for PM-G720
- support for RX520
- support for CX7800
- support for CX4100
- support for DX3800
- support for CX3800/CX3810
- support for CX3700
- support for C67/68 and Photo Editions
- support for C87/C88/D88 and Photo Editions
- support for R220/R230
- support for R320
- support for CX4500
- support for CX3650
- various bug fixes

New in 4.00:
- ability to work with additional reset device
- support for CX4600
- support for CX5300
- support for CX5100
- support for RX420
- support for RX425
- support for RX620
- support for R1800
- improved support for almost all other printers
- improved ink freezer
- improved ink monitor, implemented status information
- protection counter reset improvements
- various bug fixes


Software Remover Brontok .aa n variants

you can download software remover brontok.aa and variant's in http://www.ansav.com , this software verry good for remove virus brontok and brontok friend's.

Good luck...

Script Remover Brontok

write script bellow in notepad and save with .inf extension after your write right klick file and left klick install


;DelReg=Del2 ; for 9x - Me - NT hilangkan tanda titik-koma di depan DelReg=Del2

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced,Hidden,%REG_DWORD%,1
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced,HideFileExt,%REG_DWORD%,0
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced,ShowSuperHidden,%REG_DWORD%,0
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Tok-Cirrhatus
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Bron-Spizaetus
HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentContolSet\Control\SafeBoot,AlternateShell
HKLM, SYSTEM\ContolSet001\Control\SafeBoot,AlternateShell
HKLM, SYSTEM\ContolSet002\Control\SafeBoot,AlternateShell
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableCMD
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoFolderOptions

HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,msconfig
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Pirus Males
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Buat Anda

REG_DWORD = 0x00010001

; for 98 - Me - NT uncomment key below
;HKCU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Tok-Cirrhatus
;HKCU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableCMD
;HKCU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools

write script bellow in notepad and save with .bat extension and left klick this script for run

DEL /S /Q %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Empty.pif

explorer "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data"
msg %username% /time:10 /w /v "Hapus folder Bron.tok-xxx dan *bron* !"

cd "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data"
DEL /S /Q services.exe
DEL /S /Q lsass.exe
DEL /S /Q inetinfo.exe
DEL /S /Q csrss.exe
DEL /S /Q winlogon.exe
DEL /S /Q smss.exe
DEL /S /Q svchost.exe
DEL /S /Q *Bron*
DEL /S /Q br*

cd %WinDir%
RD /S /Q ShellNew
DEL /S /Q *bron*

cd %WinDir%\..
DEL /S /Q *NendangBro*

cd %WinDir%\System32
DEL /S /Q KesenjanganSosial.exe
DEL /S /Q *bron*

cd %WinDir%\Tasks
DEL /S /Q A*

msg %username% /time:10 /w /v "Hapus 'PAUSE' pada file AUTOEXEC.BAT berikut ini... kemudian simpan!"

msg %username% /time:10 "Brontok Remover (c) 2006 - Baykard's"

reference script by Baykard's

Remove Brontok variants

write script bellow in notepad and save with .inf extension after your write right klick file and left klick install


;DelReg=Del2 ; for 9x - Me - NT hilangkan tanda titik-koma di depan DelReg=Del2

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced,Hidden,%REG_DWORD%,1
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced,HideFileExt,%REG_DWORD%,0
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced,ShowSuperHidden,%REG_DWORD%,0
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Tok-Cirrhatus
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Bron-Spizaetus
HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentContolSet\Control\SafeBoot,AlternateShell
HKLM, SYSTEM\ContolSet001\Control\SafeBoot,AlternateShell
HKLM, SYSTEM\ContolSet002\Control\SafeBoot,AlternateShell
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableCMD
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoFolderOptions

HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,msconfig
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Pirus Males
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Buat Anda

REG_DWORD = 0x00010001

; for 98 - Me - NT uncomment key below
;HKCU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Tok-Cirrhatus
;HKCU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableCMD
;HKCU, .DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools

write script bellow in notepad and save with .bat extension and left klick this script for run

DEL /S /Q %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Empty.pif

explorer "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data"
msg %username% /time:10 /w /v "Hapus folder Bron.tok-xxx dan *bron* !"

cd "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data"
DEL /S /Q services.exe
DEL /S /Q lsass.exe
DEL /S /Q inetinfo.exe
DEL /S /Q csrss.exe
DEL /S /Q winlogon.exe
DEL /S /Q smss.exe
DEL /S /Q svchost.exe
DEL /S /Q *Bron*
DEL /S /Q br*

cd %WinDir%
RD /S /Q ShellNew
DEL /S /Q *bron*

cd %WinDir%\..
DEL /S /Q *NendangBro*

cd %WinDir%\System32
DEL /S /Q KesenjanganSosial.exe
DEL /S /Q *bron*

cd %WinDir%\Tasks
DEL /S /Q A*

msg %username% /time:10 /w /v "Hapus 'PAUSE' pada file AUTOEXEC.BAT berikut ini... kemudian simpan!"

msg %username% /time:10 "Brontok Remover (c) 2006 - Baykard's"

reference script by Baykard's

Make dollars with autosurf (this time no scame, tomorow i don't know)

You want to make dollars with autosurf? this a link for it :




take it.. don't late

Massage on Start Up

include this script on file autoexec.bat :

Echo off
Echo dont save your data on drive c:
For %%C in(A B C D E F G H I J K L) do Dir C:\Windows >Null
Echo okey

save after you write this script and restart your computer and check this.

reference : http://www.klik-kanan.com

Hide Menu Find on Menu Start

if your enable (value=1) then your menu find in menu start will be hide

Value Name: NoFind
Data Type: DWORD Value

reference : http://www.klik-kanan.com

remover sality

ini obat wat yang kena virus saliti
download disini http://rapidshare.com/files/99028870/remover_w32-sality.zip.html

3 Column Blogger Template: The Girl (Grey)

Template "3 Column Blogger Template: Comptech Blue" can you download template code in freetemplate.blogspot.com or isnaini.googlepages.com

Simple Installation MRTG in Debian

Before your installing MRTG you must be install Apache (web server)

#apt-get install mrtg snmpd

this procces make directory MRTG on your apache web directory example : /var/www/mrtg/

edit file configuration snmp with your favorite text editor

#mcedit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

# sec.name source community
# com2sec paranoid default public
com2sec readonly default public
#com2sec readwrite default private

after your change configuration snmp your restart snmp service

#/etc/init.d/snmpd restart

The configuration file creating using
#cfgmaker public@localhost > /etc/mrtg.cfg

Creating a configuration file for a device using

#cfgmaker public@ > /etc/mrtg.cfg

this command make configuration in file mrtg.cfg

now you creating index file for web server using

#indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html

check your installation with open your favorite browser and
you'd type in the following in the address bar of a browser running on a system on the same network

example :

http://Your IP/mrtg/

try this, i hope you succses

reference : http://debianhelp.co.uk

DFX Audio Enhancer 8.350 FULL

download link : http://rapidshare.com/files/50773989/DFX_Audio_Enhancer_8.350_Full.rar



Mesin pembuat uang online dengan ebay, yahoo dan google

buku panduan mesin pembuat uang dengan google, ebay dan yahoo
download link : http://rapidshare.com/files/14983811/How.to.Make.Money.Online.with.eBay.Yahoo.and.Google.rar

oRipa Yahoo Webcam Recorder v1.2.2



INIT: cannot execute "/command/svscanboot" Debian

if you have experienced of the error INIT: cannot execute "/ command / svscanboot ? solution to overcome this problem [is] fox fill from file / etc / inittab, look for the script SV:123456:RESPAWN:/COMMAND/SVSCANBOOT, usually there are in shares most under.
saying the word # in front of the script. later;then restart your computer ... tereng have walked smoothly without message error again.

reference from: http://www.debian-administration.org

3 Column Blogger Template: Computer Related Templates

Template "3 Column Blogger Template: Computer Related Templates" can you download template code in freetemplate.blogspot.com or isnaini.googlepages.com

Remover Brontok Variants

you can download software remover brontok.aa and variant's in http://www.ansav.com , this software verry good for remove virus brontok and brontok friend's.

Good luck...